Kelly + David | Porters & The Boatyard

a The Boatyard wedding film

12 years ago

I have been looking forward to sharing this wedding video highlights clip for about 6 weeks now, having to wait until Kelly & David's post wedding party where the video was to be premiered! (I must ask if they had a red carpet).

This was a relatively local wedding to me at Porters in Southend-On-Sea and The Boatyard Restaurant in Leigh-On-Sea. It was also a smaller package which ended after the speeches, with no evening cover. Kelly was initially concerned that this might take something away from the finished video, but as you can see, it didn't really hurt it 😊

This is most certainly one of my personal favourite weddings and I couldn't be happier with the finished film. The weather and locations were perfect, working with my old friend Dave Shields Photography is always a pleasure and the couple just had such fun. This is something which features heavily throughout their film, mainly because of Kelly's distinctive laugh!

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