laura + samuel

forever in our bubble

a Leez Priory wedding film

7 years ago

Well, this one nearly had me in tears. Married at the beautiful Leez Priory, probably my most frequently visited venue this year, Laura and Samuel had a very laid back unconventional wedding. With no bridesmaids or best man I was a little worried what the speeches may deliver in terms of voiceover however the three speakers on the day delivered beautiful speeches that left me with more useable content than I knew what to do with! The full film is relatively short but the frequent dips into and out of voiceover makes it really engaging to watch and I can't wait for Laura and Samuel to watch it.

As always it was great fun to work alongside Kevin and Sabrina from Pengelly Photography.

Keep an eye out for a really amazing gift from Laura to Samuel. A personally illustrated "The Story of Us" book with several blank pages to me filled in in the future. It's a lovely thought to imagine what more adventures these two globe trotters may use to fill up those pages. What a wonderful idea.

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