rebecca + carl / because of you

a Blake Hall wedding film

a Blake Hall wedding film

8 years ago

Rebecca and Carl had me recommended to them by top photographer and all round good egg Justin Bailey a year or so ago and I'd looked forward to shooting their wedding for some time as I have always loved filming at Blake Hall. The outdoor space is so beautifully kept and varied that with a bit of sunshine you're always guaranteed a beautiful looking wedding.

With the wedding only a few days away Becki called me to give me some terrible news and all of a sudden, as well as being heart broken for Becki and Carl, I was very worried about how the day would turn out. The trailer will hopefully explain everything but I was so blown away by the amount of love and positivity surrounding me during the wedding day that it became one of my favourite weddings of the year. Becki and her bridesmaids and family were such fun to be around. Becki has an infectious positive personality that can't help but rub off on everyone.

As you can imagine getting the blend of positivity and love coupled with obvious sadness was a real challenge in the edit but when I sent the trailer to Becki and Carl and they said the following, I took that as confirmation that I'd got it just right. Phew!


"I can't put in one message how much we love the trailer. It has exceeded my expectations and one of the many adjectives I could use for it is ... PERFECT! I did a lot of ugly crying when I watched it but also laughed out loud. You have summed the day up brilliantly and my favourite thing is you've made it feel as if Carl's mum was there with us."

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