Samantha + Sean

Mum Knows Best

a Leez Priory wedding film

about 10 years ago

Sam and Sean were the latest in an ever growing line of ridiculously likeable couples sent our way by Leanne and Charlie (you know, of Leanne and Charlie fame!) and they were married on a scorching July afternoon at the ever impressive Leez Priory.

Working alongside family friend and a new photographer to me Brian Barker (who I must say was great fun!) we managed to make the most of the early ceremony time and get lots of footage... and I mean LOTS. We didn't finish until almost 10pm after a surprise set from a certain DJ Luck and MC Neat who seemed to please the sweaty audience greatly... (I decided to delete the comment about it sounding like "noise" to me because it showed my age..) and we left feeling totally exhausted but 100% happy.

Sean sadly lost his mum last year and his touching speech melted everyone's hearts and gave me inspiration for the name of their film, as let's be honest, mums always know best.

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